California Title 22 Hazardous Waste Treatment and Storage assessments are required every five years for tanks that store both RCRA and non-RCRA hazardous wastes. The assessment inspects the tanks and ancillary equipment for integrity and compatibility. Any discrepancies are noted in the preliminary report and must be cleared before the report can be certified. In addition to the tanks, the secondary containment is inspected for integrity and sufficient size. If discrepancies are found they are listed in the preliminary report and must be cleared before the report can be certified. Strandberg Associates uses the model tank assessment format which includes the discription and drawing of the tank, an inspection section with pictures of any discrepancies found, an integrity section which has ultrasonic thickness measurements, a hydrostatic calculation and a foundation calculattion, and a seismic section to determine if the tank is adequately anchored.
The secondary containment section of the report, shows a layout or the site, which shows tanks, piping and pump locations. It also has an elevation sketch which shows whether the tank is under roof and if the tanks and piping are above ground. This section also shows the secondary containment size calculation which includes the 24 hour, twenty five year rain. The calculation determines if the secondary containment is adequately sized. The secondary containment sections includes the results ot the secondary containment inspection with pictutes of any discrepancies. Lastly, it includes and evaluation of the site security.